About Me

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I hail from the Musiri school of music and have learnt from Sangita Kalanidhi T.K. Govinda Rao since 1974. I run TKG Gurukulam - school for South Indian Classical Music,where children are learning at different levels i.e. beginners to concert level performers. I hold a Doctorate degree in Music. The topic of my thesis is 'Musiri Subrahmanya Iyer & T.K. Govinda Rao - A continued Lineage, under the guidance of Dr. M.A. Bhageerathi.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Music in Periya Puranam

Wow! It was a wonderful experience listening to Dr. M.A. Bhageerathi's Lec-Dem on 'Periya Puranattil Isaik kurugal. She has a fund of information. Authenticity.authority, free flow of language are the hallmark of her speech. A very enjoyable and informative Lec-Dem. I am proud to have done my doctoral thesis under her guidence.


  1. You are nicely covering the events. Photographs are also good. In future this may become an e-magazine for music. Your information have archival value. Keep it up. Who know? a research based on your blog spot may be carried out

  2. Thank you madam for the encouraging words!!
